19 May 2020


Hi there!
And here it is the last section in our books. Go to page 106 and let's talk about "Around the world". Do exercises 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (check answers here). Remember to do the grammar practice on page 135 too (click here to check your answers).

The grammar point in this section is modals of deduction:
  1. When we think something is true we use 'must'. Example: This must be her house. I can see her car in the entrance. 
  2. When we think something is probably true, but we aren't sure, we use 'might', 'may' or 'could'. Example: She's not here yet. She might be stuck in traffic.
  3. When we don't think something is true we use 'can't'. Example: It can't be far. We've been driving for hours. 

If you need some extra practice on this, check these links:

Have a nice day!

18 May 2020


Hey students!
If you still have trouble when doing oral mediation activities, have a look at these tips. They apply to the exercises we did last month on the environment and covid-19. You can find those tasks on my blog (click here to see that post). 

Remember to bear in mind:
  • Nice introduction: say hello to your friend and introduce the context (e.g. I know you’re a bit worried about the situation with covid19…, etc.).
  • Selection of information: you don’t have to talk about all the information that is given to you. You always need to select what to tell and what NOT to tell. The exercise will tell you what you need to say and what you don’t need to say. Read the tasks again and check.

a.  Envionment: talk about reduce waste and save water, not about saving energy or means of transport.
b.   Covid: talk about be socially active, eat well, keep fit, and stay productive at home, (not about all the others).

  • Paraphrase information: tell the same information that is given to you but in other words. You can’t read phrases from the given text. You need to explain in your OWN WORDS.

    • These 3 things are very important. If you do these 3 things it’s almost impossible to fail this skill. So, REMEMBER them. 

      12 May 2020

      CLASS 12TH MAY - UNIT 12B

      Hey students!
      We keep on talking about travelling, but this time with some videos. So, open your books on page 104 and do exercises 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. (You can check your answers here). You also need to do and study the vocabulary practice section on air travel, which is on page 155 (answers here).

      I also found an interesting article on the future of air travel and I adapted it for you. I invite you to read it and we'll talk about it. Here you are the adaptation, click

      In our next online class on Tuesday 19th we'll talk about this topic. (Remember this Thursday 14th  May we'll do the writing and written mediation exams).

      I hope you'll enjoy this work! 

      7 May 2020

      CLASS 7TH MAY - UNIT 12A

      Well, today we're going to start the last unit in our books and it's about my favourite topic: travelling. I know nobody's thinking about trips right now, but hopefully we'll get back to normal soon enough to dream with new destinations.

      Shall we start then? Go to page 102 and do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 (check your answers here). Remember to do the vocabulary practice on page 154 (answers here) as well as the grammar practice on page 134 (answers here).

      The grammar point in this section is 'so' and 'neither'. We use both of them to AGREE. This is something important because people often think that 'neither' is used to disagree, but no! Both 'so' and 'neither' are used to agree with things other people say. With 'so' we agree with positive statements and with 'neither' we agree with negative statements. That's the difference. And remember there are always 3 words in the answers (so/neither + auxiliary/modal + subject pronoun).
      A: I'm good at English.   B: So am I. 
      A: I don't like spinach.   B: Neither do I.
      You can also watch this video which explains this grammar point. 

      If you need extra practice on this grammar point, here you are some links:

      We'll talk about all of this on our next online class. See you around the world! 

      5 May 2020


      Hey students!
      There are no homework on the blog today, because next Thursday 7th May we have speaking exams (monologues on all the topics we've seen from our book). Each one of you has a specific time to do this exam. 

      If you don't have that appointment, please send me an email before Thursday and we'll arrange for you to do the exam. 

      30 Apr 2020


      Hey there!
      Let's start unit 8C about mobile apps. Do exercises  1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 (check your answers here). You also need to do the grammar activities on page 127 on modal verbs of obligation and advice (check answers here). It's very easy and I'm sure you already use all of them. Just a reminder:

      • Obligation we use: 'have to' (external obligations, rules, laws) and 'must' (personal obligations, things we believe are necessary or important)
      • No obligation we use: 'don't have to'.
      • Prohibition we use: 'mustn't'.
      • Advice we use: 'should' and 'shouldn't'. 
      Of course if you need some extra practice on this grammar point, there are plenty of online exercises:

      - Perfect English
      - Test English

      We'll see if you have doubts on our next online class. Have a nice practice! 

      24 Apr 2020


      Hey students!
      We're going to study a new type of writing related to unit 7, the film review. First of all, we're going to see an example and do the activities in the sample sheet. 

      Then, you'll have to write your own review of a film. Remember to think before writing! Plan your content and divide it in 4 parapgrahs: 
      • Paragraph 1: the name of the film, the director, the stars and the prizes it won.
      • Paragraph 2: where and when it is set, where it was filmed. 
      • Paragraph 3: the plot  (always in present simple)
      • Paragraph 4: why you recommend this film. 

      You should write about 180 words and send it to me by email. Have a nice practice! 

      Besides, you need to do vocabulary practice 10B on page 149 (check answers here). Remember unit 10 is the only one in our book we won't study, but we've already seen the grammar practice in unit 10 and this vocab today. 

      23 Apr 2020

      CLASS 23rd APRIL - UNIT 8B

      Hey there!
      So, today's topic is getting fit, which is a trending topic now that we're almost in summer. In this section of your books you'll discover if it's true that one third of people pay for a gym membership but never use it, or how many calories a day a person needs. Shall we start working?

      Open your books on page 68 and do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. (Check your answers here). Don't forget to do the vocabulary practice on page 149 (check answers here).

      We'll discuss all these ideas on our next online class, Tuesday 28th April. Be prepared to talk a lot about this topic. 

      21 Apr 2020

      CLASS 21st APRIL - UNIT 8A

      Hey students! How are you after the holidays? 

      We're starting unit 8 on sport and health. The idea is that you work on your own checking the keys here on the blog, and then in the next online class, which will be on 23rd April, we'll try to answer all your doubts and we'll do some extra speaking practice. So, don't forget to do your part before you join us on Thursday.

      So, open your books on page 66 and do activities 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, (click to check the asnwers here). And don't forget to do the vocabulary practice on page 148 (answers here) and the grammar activities on page 126 (answers here).

      The grammar content of this section is questions tags. We use them when we think we know something but we want to check, and also to start a conversation or to encourage other people to speak.

      You'll join me in the next online class, won't you?
      It's a nice day, isn't it?
      You passed your last exam, didn't you?

      If you feel that you need some extra practice on this, check the following links:

      Have a nice day! And remember to prepare your doubts for the next online class. 

      8 Apr 2020


      Hi students, 
      From today on we're officially on holiday, but I'm afraid you need to continue studying. So, here's your homework:

      First, do all the activities on the blog you didn't do so far. Let's summarize: extra things on the environment, grammar practice on reported speech, and the whole unit 7 in your books.

      Then, if you haven't sent me your for and against essay, try to send it to me as soon as possible.

      And last but not least, you need to do the following two activities on oral mediation. Record your  2 audio messages and send them to my email address.

      • Oral mediation on the pandemic (click here), done by my colleague Pilar Guillen. 
      • Oral mediation on the environment (click here).
      Have fun!

      7 Apr 2020


      Hi there!
      Our topic today is TV and music? So, what do you do in the evening to relax? If you watch TV, what do you watch and where?

      You can go now to page 147 in your books and do the vocabulary activities related to this topic. (Check answers here). By the way, the other day when we did unit 7A we forgot the vocabulary activities on page 146. You can do them now and check answers here.

      Then, go to page 62 (unit 7C) and do exercises 1, 2 and 3. (Check answers here). Now, we'll look at the grammar part. Do exercises 4, 6 and 7, and remember the acticity 7C on pages 161 and 170. (Check answers here). You should also go to page 125 and do all the grammar activities on that page. Remember to read the grammar explanation first. (Check answers here). This grammar is quite simple since you already now that we use 'can', 'could' and 'to be able to' to talk about ability and possibility. 
      • I can speak English. (ability). 
      • I can't go the the school right now. (possibility)
      • I'll be able to speak better Engish in 2 years' time. (ability). 
      • I'll be able to go to school next year. (possibility)
      Then, go to pages 64 and 65 in your books (unit 7D) and try to do all the video activities you have there. Remember you can watch the videos on the richmond platform. After you've done the activities you can check answers: exercises 1-5 click here, and exercises 6-10 click here.

      Have a nice class at home!

      2 Apr 2020


      Hi students! 
      It was great to see some of you online in real time. We scheduled another online meeting for next Tuesday (at 10:00am with class A, and at 11:15am with class B). I hope more people will join us. 

      Well, during the online class we had a look at section 10D (page 90+91) in your books, which is about writing a for and against essay. We did exercises 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7. (You can check your answers here).

      It's very important to keep in mind the structure of this text, which has 4 paragrpahs:
      1. Introduction
      2. Arguments in favour of the topic
      3. Arguments against the topic
      4. Conclusion 
      You should remember that all the arguments in favour go together in the same paragraph, and all the arguments against go together in another paragraph. During the whole text you should be objective and you can include your opinion only in the conclusion. The register is formal, so forget about contractions. And on page 91 you have some useful expressions: The main advantage is..., However, one disadvantage is..., To sum up, On the one hand, On the other hand, among others.

      Your essay should be about one the titles in exercise 5:
      • Are exams good for learning?
      • Public transport should be free for everyone.
      • People should only have to work four days a week.
      Once you've done your writing (180 words), you should send it to me by email. Have a nice practice!


      We're going to continue talking about films. Go to page 60 in your class books. Read the text and do exercises 2 and 3. Once you've finished doing these exercises, check your answers here (click).

      Fun homework for next day: watch a film in English and write a comment with the title of the film and tell other classmates if you liked it or not. In my case, I watched Money Monster yesterday night and it was quite entertaining. I definitely recommend it. 

      By the way, do you remember I promised to show you a happy song? Well, here you are! I hope you'll like it! My message with this song: Close your eyes and let's pretend we're dancing in the street in Barcelona.

      1 Apr 2020

      CHEER UP!

      Thanks to all my colleagues for this great encouraging video! You're awesome!
      EOI Torrevieja

      31 Mar 2020


      Hi everybody! Our challenge begins here! We're going to start unit 7 online. We'll try to do everyting as if we were in our classroom. Remember you can write comments on each post to ask doubts and other classmates can also answer doubts. We need to use all the help we can right now. So, I encourage you to become more active. 

      First of all, go to page 58 and do exercises 1, 2 and 3 about the text.  (Check your answers here). Remember to do the vocabulary activities on page 146 (check answers here).

      Then, have a look at exercises 4, 5 and 7 on the grammar of the passive voice. (Check your answers here). At this point you can go to the grammar page 124, read the grammar explanation and do the activities. (Check your answers here).

      After the grammar practice, go back to page 59 and you'll see that we only have exercise 8 left, which can be done as a monologue. I encourage you to practise this exercise as a 'certificación' monologue, so think and prepare some ideas and then talk about this topic for 3 minutes.

      And if you want more online activities on the passive voice, try these links:

      I hope you'll enjoy the first part of the lesson. 

      26 Mar 2020


      We use reported speech to say what other people said. We usually change all the verbs one tense into the past, since 'what other people said' they usually said it in the past. Besides, we also change time expressions and pronouns
      Example 1:
      Adriana: 'I'm at home right now.'
       St 1 to st 2: 'Adriana said she was in her house at that moment.' 

      Modal verbs also change to make them more past:
      • can -> could
      • must -> had to
      • may -> might
      • will -> would

      Also, remember we use the verbs say or tell to report the words, but if we use tell we need to include someone, for instance 'Adriana told me she was in her house at that moment.'

      To report questions there are 2 ways: for yes/no questions we include the word 'if'; and for wh-questions we use that wh-word instead of if. 
      Example 2:
      Adriana: 'Do you like online classes?'
      Student 1 to student 2: 'Adriana asked us if we liked online classes.'
      Example 3:
      Adriana: 'What sport do you do at home?'
      Student 1 to student 2: 'Adriana asked us what sport we did at home.'

      If you've already done the homework on the reported speech (section 10A page 130), you can check your answers here (click). And if you have doubts, write a comment on this post and I'll try to explain it further.

      Moreover, here I include some links where you can do more online activities on reported speech. Don't forget to check your answers once you've done each exercise.

      As some of you told me yesterday, here you are activities for three pandemics. 

      24 Mar 2020


      Hi groups!

      Some of you asked me for the workbook key since our title doesn't include it in the students' edition. What a shame! Everybody knows the workbook is for students individual practice and you should have the answers to check on your own. 

      Anyway, here's the solution. Click here!

      Work well at home!

      23 Mar 2020


      Hi there! Here you are some activities on the environment to finish with unit 11. 

      First of all, READING: read this brief text and do tasks 1 and 2.  

      China has big plans to reduce single-use plastics by 2025. It is fast-tracking measures to cut the production and use of plastics in the next five years. By the end of 2020, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in major cities. Food delivery and takeaway services, which use a lot of plastic, will stop using single-use plastic straws and cutlery. These will be banned nationwide. They will use alternative things, like biodegradable shopping bags.
      Single-use plastics are a big source of pollution. They are a part of our daily life and throwaway culture. China wants to reduce overconsumption to reverse our use of plastics. Previous regulations on plastic use, in 2008, cut the production of 67 billion bags. The United Nations said all countries needed similar policies. It said the world cannot cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, We must rethink how we manufacture, use and manage plastics.
      TASK 1. Read the text and then go to the following link to do the online reading activity. 

      TASK 2. Read the previous text again and then match the halves:
      Paragraph 1:
      1. China has big plans to reduce
      2. It is fast-
      3. non-
      4. banned in
      5. Food delivery and
      6. single-use plastic straws and
      7. These will be banned
      8. biodegradable shopping
      • takeaway services
      • bags
      • cutlery
      • nationwide
      • single-use plastics
      • major cities
      • tracking measures
      • biodegradable
      Paragraph 2:
      1. Single-use plastics are a big
      2. throwaway
      3. reverse our use
      4. Previous regulations
      5. the world
      6. the amount of plastic waste we
      7. We must rethink how
      8. use and manage
      • we manufacture
      • on plastic use
      • plastics
      • cannot cope
      • culture
      • of plastics
      • source of pollution
      • generate
      Check your answers on the text and study all this interesting vocabulary. 

      Secondly, LISTENING 1: Green tourism in London. Go to the following webpage where you can continue practising with a nice video. There are 4 activities related to the video.
      1. Predict information.
      2. Watch the video.
      3. Multiple choice exercise.
      4. Revise the vocabulary.
      Click on this link to start.

      LISTENING 2: London's air pollution. Here's another website to practise on this topic.
      1. Check you know the voculary.
      2. Watch the video and answer the questions.
      3. Practise the vocabulary.
      Click on this link to go and start.

      I hope you'll enjoy it!

      By the way, I almost forgot! Homework for Thursday: do the grammar activities section 10A on your books on reported speech. I’ll give you the answers on the next post. 


      Hey students! How are you? I hope you're doing your best despite the circumstances. It'll be great if you can all write a comment on this post to let me know that you're all good. 

      I'm taking this time to reconnect with myself, doing crafts with my children and sport at home, cooking all the recipes I never have time to make, and, of course, thinking of resources I can share with you so our teaching and learning continues. 

      After spending some days trying to make conselleria's platform Aules work without any progress, I think it's about time we look for other means to continue with our classes, and I believe my old blog can help us there. That's why we are going to keep in touch this way. 

      I'll be posting all the activities, resources, explanations, links, etc. on this blog. You'll be able to correct some online activities yourself. We'll also continue with our Personal Best book so we don't get behind our schedule. 

      So far we've seen units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 11 in our book. We're going to continue with unit 7. Remember that you also have plenty of resources to practise on the richmond platform and on the book app (you can download it on your mobiles). You can work on both of them at your own pace. 

      Don't forget to write your comments! 
      All the best,