10 Feb 2012


"As soon as I got a microphone in my hand, when I was about 14, I realised I wanted to do this," Adele says. "And I don't know what's going to happen if my music career goes wrong", she laughs, "I haven't had a proper job yet". 

Those were her words when she created her first album '19' in which she wrote about teenage love. Now with her second album '21' she's became a very famous artist thanks to her exceptional voice and I really think she has nothing to worry about. She's proved she can make a living from music!

I really like her song Someone Like You

Do you like Adele?


  1. I like this song very much!

  2. Yes, I like her. When I listened to her hair-raising song "Rolling in the deep", I noticed she had a special voice.
    She has been the winner of six Grammy Awards this year.

    Paco P.
