19 May 2020


Hi there!
And here it is the last section in our books. Go to page 106 and let's talk about "Around the world". Do exercises 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (check answers here). Remember to do the grammar practice on page 135 too (click here to check your answers).

The grammar point in this section is modals of deduction:
  1. When we think something is true we use 'must'. Example: This must be her house. I can see her car in the entrance. 
  2. When we think something is probably true, but we aren't sure, we use 'might', 'may' or 'could'. Example: She's not here yet. She might be stuck in traffic.
  3. When we don't think something is true we use 'can't'. Example: It can't be far. We've been driving for hours. 

If you need some extra practice on this, check these links:

Have a nice day!

18 May 2020


Hey students!
If you still have trouble when doing oral mediation activities, have a look at these tips. They apply to the exercises we did last month on the environment and covid-19. You can find those tasks on my blog (click here to see that post). 

Remember to bear in mind:
  • Nice introduction: say hello to your friend and introduce the context (e.g. I know you’re a bit worried about the situation with covid19…, etc.).
  • Selection of information: you don’t have to talk about all the information that is given to you. You always need to select what to tell and what NOT to tell. The exercise will tell you what you need to say and what you don’t need to say. Read the tasks again and check.

a.  Envionment: talk about reduce waste and save water, not about saving energy or means of transport.
b.   Covid: talk about be socially active, eat well, keep fit, and stay productive at home, (not about all the others).

  • Paraphrase information: tell the same information that is given to you but in other words. You can’t read phrases from the given text. You need to explain in your OWN WORDS.

    • These 3 things are very important. If you do these 3 things it’s almost impossible to fail this skill. So, REMEMBER them. 

      12 May 2020

      CLASS 12TH MAY - UNIT 12B

      Hey students!
      We keep on talking about travelling, but this time with some videos. So, open your books on page 104 and do exercises 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. (You can check your answers here). You also need to do and study the vocabulary practice section on air travel, which is on page 155 (answers here).

      I also found an interesting article on the future of air travel and I adapted it for you. I invite you to read it and we'll talk about it. Here you are the adaptation, click

      In our next online class on Tuesday 19th we'll talk about this topic. (Remember this Thursday 14th  May we'll do the writing and written mediation exams).

      I hope you'll enjoy this work! 

      7 May 2020

      CLASS 7TH MAY - UNIT 12A

      Well, today we're going to start the last unit in our books and it's about my favourite topic: travelling. I know nobody's thinking about trips right now, but hopefully we'll get back to normal soon enough to dream with new destinations.

      Shall we start then? Go to page 102 and do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 (check your answers here). Remember to do the vocabulary practice on page 154 (answers here) as well as the grammar practice on page 134 (answers here).

      The grammar point in this section is 'so' and 'neither'. We use both of them to AGREE. This is something important because people often think that 'neither' is used to disagree, but no! Both 'so' and 'neither' are used to agree with things other people say. With 'so' we agree with positive statements and with 'neither' we agree with negative statements. That's the difference. And remember there are always 3 words in the answers (so/neither + auxiliary/modal + subject pronoun).
      A: I'm good at English.   B: So am I. 
      A: I don't like spinach.   B: Neither do I.
      You can also watch this video which explains this grammar point. 

      If you need extra practice on this grammar point, here you are some links:

      We'll talk about all of this on our next online class. See you around the world! 

      5 May 2020


      Hey students!
      There are no homework on the blog today, because next Thursday 7th May we have speaking exams (monologues on all the topics we've seen from our book). Each one of you has a specific time to do this exam. 

      If you don't have that appointment, please send me an email before Thursday and we'll arrange for you to do the exam.